Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Art 349 Comics Assignments & Schedule

Let 'em rip. For Wednesday, October 6, do one of the following:

1. A 4 panel strip.
2. A 1 page comic.
3. A free-form narrative drawing (a la Maurice Sendak). This can be multi-page if you want.

For class, we'll discuss developing an approach to the visual side of things (I think the technical term for this is "art"). We'll check out Scott McCloud's pyramid, page templates, and thumbnails.

For Monday, October 11, we'll talk about lettering, typography, page layout, speech bubbles and the like.

For Wednesday, October 13 you'll present your project proposals to the class. Use the guidelines for the Art 450/496 projects. Make sure your proposal is entirely on your blog as that's what I'll be evaluating. Bonus: it'll be much harder for you to lose or forget to bring with you once it's on line. The only thing that could stop us would be some kind of computer/network outage, but that will never happen.

1 comment:

Ezra Butt said...

Um, I didn't know where to put this, so here. http://sarcopterygian.blogspot.com/